Tuesday, 15 February 2011

13th February Caraimanga –Cuenca 222 miles

Well although it is Sunday morning the town is very busy outside and very noisy, goodness knows when these people sleep. No breakfast at the hotel so we go in search, there is a market selling mainly foodstuffs and we see some vegetables we don’t even recognize. They grow rice, mangos, banans, grapes and just about everything else they need.
After breakfast we pack up nd head out of town in the rain finding our route quite quickly for a change and the raod out is a lot better than the road in. After about 9 miles I realize I have left my Camelpac hanging in the room so a dash back to town to retrieve it costs us the best part of an hour.
Having got to Lojo we stop for gas and can now decide on a destination, we were unsure how long it would take to travel this road after our experience last night but thankfully it was much better that we thought apart from the mass of potholes, not to much clay though.
Cuenca is the target, 85 miles and 4 hours according to the sat nav, how can it take that long, well we know that now.
So far today we left in rain it was dry for a short time but that is now a distant memory as it is tipping down. The route takes us through fog and the road winds up and down the mountains with very regular land slips showering rocks all over the road, so you really need to concentrate on this one.
A couple of highlights, firstly a sign that confirmed the distance as 55k, 33 miles, and soon after that the fog cleared, this be fine now and we will get to town before dark.
We will try for Quito again tomorrow, about 250 miles now.

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