Wednesday, 2 March 2011

1st March Cartegana

Just a bit of sightseeing today wandering around the City, we concentrate our attention to the old part and wander through the arch to the area where the slaves were traded. It is now bars and shops with lots of street traders selling hats, jewellery and just about everything else.
We stopped and had a beer in what seems one of the most popular bars and it would seem that they are expecting a rush as at the back of the bar are about 120 crates of beer. Although the bar is not large they have some chest coolers and we watch in amazement as they pack 20 or 30 crates into 3 of them. We thought they must get infrequent deliveries but later in the evening we realised why, when we saw about 50, wild guess, tables outside packed with people and the bottles of beer were flowing out thick and fast.
Round the corner and there is Hard Rock and some trendy boutique next door nut we march on to the customs building and then on to the church. Inside the church, under the alter is a glass coffin where a man has resided for a couple of hundred years, he did a great deal to help the slaves and stop the cruelty that went on at that time and they have recognised him by making him a saint and have placed him in this glass coffin.
On to the city wall where Michael Douglas was wrestling with the croc in Romancing the Stone, we are quite surprised at how low the wall is, as City walls go, but it must have worked for them.
We are going to move on tomorrow to Santa Marta, a bit further up the coast and possibly on to a carnival at the weekend.

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